Ronnie and I are excited about our new website. We invite you to look around at the new features we have to offer you on this site. We are beginning with the basic information you will need to stay connected to us and then we will be adding more information as time goes on. Be sure to leave your email address when you visit as I will be sending announcements for our upcoming meetings through our email list.
Ladies, we are soon approaching our 15th Anniversary Ladies Winter Retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN. Remember the Early Registration deadline is October 1. After that deadline, the registration becomes $40 and $50 at the door. We have an option for you to pay through our paypal account by filling out the form and clicking the link. I know you are going to enjoy this year’s Retreat. We have prepared many surprises for you! Make your plans now to join us November 12-14 at the Smoky Mountain Covention Center in Pigeon Forge. You can still reserve your room with our group rate of $66 at the Ramada Inn by calling 1-800-523-3919 and mentioning He Died for Me Ministries.
Can’t wait till the Ladies Retreat! Super excited! Expecting a mighty move!
Everything looks great! I like the fresh simplicity! It’s easy to get straight to the info I’m looking for.
Hi, Sister Becky … you will not remember me at all … however, I have had the spiritual and GODly honor to be in services with you and Brother Mike, while I was attending The Lighthouse Church of Canton (Greg Foster) … you were allowed a couple of meetings there. (Brother Cecil has been there also … I think Brother Mike, too) …. been quite a few years back.
My son, Sean Miller, sings … plays mostly bass … and has “accompanied” Brother Ronnie there at church :).
My “beginnings” with knowing you … contacted with, of course, Brother Hall. Sean’s Dad, to whom I was married for over 26 years, Dallas Miller … and I … were in many, many meetings with Brother Hall … (we used to affectionately call him “H. Richard” … because we were friends with his close friends in Princeton, West Virginia … “Rene” Irene Quesenberry … her husband John … daughters, “Pie” and Sandy 🙂
Well, enough said on all that … however, I merely wanted to “connect” … assure you of my prayerFULL heart … and that I “keep up” with you and your precious husband … and Brother Mike …. and Brother Cecil …. and, …. you and your precious Mother are often in my prayerful and caring heart 🙂 ….. I cherish your prayers .. for “me and mine” … and you certainly have my prayerful heart … for “you and yours” …. Love from “Libby” Miller … 904 Dry Pond Lane, Canton GA 30114-4244 …. Cell: 678.787.5081
Looking forward to my first retreat with your ministry.
Good morning
Me and several ladies from sav. Tn. Sent our money in by mail (checks ) we have not received a comfrmation and it hasn’t showed on our bank statements. It was turned in early. Can you help clarify.
I am looking forward to seeing you in Pigeon Forge
The ladies retreat was wonderful again this year! God was there! What more can u ask for than for God to meet u there?!!
Looking forward to a New year, and all The Lord has in store for His children!!! Thank You both for your friendship and dedication to spreading the gospel ! I would love to have y’all visit my new church home in Dawsonville Ga., Reach church….God is moving His people!!!!! Eric
Hi Sister Becky; it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you or heard you except on line in bites. I knew you when I was just a young woman in Norristown Ga. at Sis. Lowery’s church. I recently asked God to open a door for a new job and the next day a lady called me about being a counselor at their office. It’s so funny, she knows you and your brother. We laughed and talked about your testimony and I remembered you always loved a butterscotch pie and I’d bake you one when you came to do revival in Norristown. I am trying to find a way to get to one of your services. I live in Columbia KY now and work in Thomplinsville so maybe I can find a place close enough to drive to hear you again. I so miss you, Sis. Gloria and Sis. Lowery. Can’t wait to see and hear you again.
Hey Beckey and Ronnie, I like your new web site I saw where you are going to be in Mt airy in april we hope we can attend the meeting.
Bro Randall and Sis Linda
I can’t wait to hear of the next meeting near me. I’ve been registering for a few years but something always comes up. I’ll be there when I’m supposed to. Thank you for sharing your faith!
i sure wanted to come back to the revival tonight at solomans porch because i didn’t get to speak to u last nite i sure did miss the retreat
Love it .
Sister you prayed for me about my aGrandaughter Summer at Brother Holmes homecoming The Lord Jesus is already moving for us she woke me up this morning at 340 was weeping about missing her Mommie what a great breakthrough that the first time she has really cried out i know your prayers are mighty powerful i love you in the Lord and appreciate you and Brother Ronnie