We are soon approaching our 2023 Ladies Winter Retreat. This is our 23rd Annual Retreat and I can feel the excitement building every day. Today I loaded an amazing amount of new registrations in the computer and we are receiving registrations every day. This is going to be a great year….perhaps our best one yet!
The Creekstone and River’s Landing is filling up fast so make sure you have your reservations made! You can call Missy or Andrew at 1-800-223-6707 and they will take care of you. Both these motels are one block from the Convention Center.
We have prepared gifts for the children 12 and under so make sure you let me know you are bringing a child. I need their first name and age. Any child 12 and under does not pay a registration fee.
The theme this year is Possessing Your Promises. I am looking forward to the Word He has for you this year. I know we will leave this year’s Retreat changed, renewed, refreshed and empowered!
I am designing a theme shirt again for this year and we will have them for you at the Retreat. Also my new CD and flashdrive of “Through the Years” will be available at the Retreat. I have completed my first devotional. It is at the publishers now and will also be available at the Retreat. I have ordered several and there is no need to do a preorder.
If you have not registered, get your registration in soon. It helps me prepare for your arrival by knowing how many ladies are joining us. I can email you a form to mail in or you can fill out your form here on the website and pay through paypal.
We have several beautiful door prizes ready for you again this year. Also we will have our Friday morning Coffee and Devotion livestream at the Convention Center. If you would like to join us at 8:30am you can take part in the mug exchange like we did last year. Bring a coffee mug in a gift bag with you name inside. You will exchange with another lady and the name is who you will be praying for in the days ahead. Last year’s was such a special time with coffee, donuts, devotion and mug exchange! Then our morning service will begin at 10am.
If you have any questions, email me at trammellministry@aol.com or message me on facebook at Becky Ferree Trammell. I look forward to seeing you November 9-11 during Winterfest in beautiful Pigeon Forge Tennessee.
Hello is it too late to sign up?
No, you can register anytime even at the door. An earlier registration helps me prepare for your arrival.