We have just ended our 23rd Annual Spring Family Retreat in Pigeon Forge TN. It always marks the beginning of Spring for me. This morning after returning home and looking out over our bright green lawn, it took me back to a time in my childhood. Mom would have loved this thick stand of grass to hide our eggs! It is a sign of a new season.
“For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land….” Song of Solomon 2:11-12
I feel that new season springing up within the hearts of God’s children also! We had such a mighty move of God during the Retreat. Friday morning a river of healing swept through the meeting and we are still receiving reports of those that left with that healing touch! The testimonies were repeated over and over….”we came to be refreshed, renewed and changed.” We watched that take place as He walked with us, melted our hearts, spoke to us and breathed upon us! I came home weary in my body and renewed in my inner man! Winter is past!
We have a daily devotion on facebook that began in March of 2020. Today’s devotion was from the book of Psalms and chapter 23, verse 3. How appropriate for the end of our Retreat! “He restores my soul”. We absolutely went in one way and came out another way, changed by the very presence of the One whom our soul loves!
My heart is full today as I walk back down through the memories of this past weekend. I now set my face to our upcoming meetings and then to our 24th Annual Ladies Winter Retreat November 7-9 in the same location.
We will meet in the Smoky Mountain Convention Center, 4010 Parkway, Pigeon Forge on November 7-9 for 4 amazing services in the presence of the Lord. There is a $30 Early Registration fee for this event until September 1. After that, registration will be $40. You can register on our website here on the Ladies Retreat page and pay through Paypal. I can also mail or email you a registration form if you prefer.
We already have rooms blocked with a special rate at Creekstone Inn and River’s Landing by calling 1-800-523-3919. Both of these motels are about a block from the Convention Center overlooking Little Pigeon River. They offer both queen and king rooms, kitchenettes and suites. Make your reservations early as they will fill up quickly!
The Moyer Family along with Ronnie and Heritage Band will be doing our praise and worship again this year. They are always such a great blessing and usher in His holy presence!
Friday morning I will do the morning devotion at the Center again at 8:30am. You are invited to join me for the livestream. I will have coffee, hot tea, orange juice and donut holes from Krispy Kreme for you to enjoy. Then we will exchange coffee mugs again this year! You bring a mug inside a gift bag with your name enclosed. You will take a mug home with you and a lady to pray for this year. We are building prayer partners!
There will be a service Thursday at 7:30pm, Friday after devotion service at 10am and 7:00pm, Saturday 10am will be our final service! If you have never attended one of these Retreats, I encourage you to make your plans now to join us! It is truly a life-changing weekend!
May your Spring season be filled with His peace, love and presence! I look forward to seeing you soon in one of our meetings! Check our calendar on the website to see when we will be in a city near you!
I was so blessed by these services and still rejoicing! Another night of no pain and sleeping all night PTL! I’m asking God help me make better choices in a area he wants me to improve. Continue to pray for me. GOD BLESS!