2016 has now come to a close…..
It has been a year of many hills and valleys. There has been laughter and tears, joy and sorrow, peace and strife, victories and what appeared at the time to be losses. However, ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE HIM so every seemingly loss is a stepping stone for tomorrow.
Ronnie and I hosted the Spring Retreat in Pigeon Forge in March and we rejoiced at how the Lord moved for His people. It is always such a joy for us to see pastors, evangelists, singers, musicians and the saints of God come from many areas and flow together in such unity. We have reserved the Convention Center for this year’s Spring Retreat on May 4-6. You can check out our event page for all the details. Once again, we have a special group rate at the Ramada Inn and there is no registration fee for this meeting. Make your reservations now by calling 1-800-523-3919 and mention He Died for Me for the special rate.
We just ended our 16th Annual Ladies Winter Retreat in November with over 550 women. Oh what a time in the Lord we had! There was singing and shouting, praising and worshiping, prayer for the sick and prophecy like a river, gifts and door prizes and fellowship. There was laughter and tears, new friends and old ones reunited in the presence of the Lord. We are opening the entire Smoky Mountain Convention Center this year. There will be no meal prepared to make room for the ladies in the service. We anticipate over 600 this year so make your plans now to join us November 9-11. The registration fee is still $30 and $40 after October 1. We have reserved the entire Ramada Inn and Creekstone Inn for these dates. Make your reservations early to assure you get a room close to the Convention Center. The Ramada and Creekstone both filled up this year and we expect that again and even sooner! I have already prepared a registration form and a link to our paypal account for you to register online on the Ladies Meeting page. If you have never joined us, you must make plans to meet us in the beautiful Smoky Mountains this November!
We ended this year as we have for the last several years with a New Year’s Eve meeting at the Shepherd’s Shelter in Mount Sterling KY. Last night was a perfect example of this entire year. He walked with us and we fell in love with Him a little more than the day before.
We have high expectations for 2017. We have met many new pastors this year and made many new friends. We look forward to a year of visiting these new churches as we make our way back to our old friends….some for over 30 years and still we worship the King together!
Check our schedule page for the many Ladies Meetings we have planned for 2017….Fort Pierce Florida in February, Archdale North Carolina in March, Augusta Georgia in April, Thomasville NC in May, Radford Virginia and Lake Wales Florida in August and then back to Pigeon Forge for our Winter Ladies Retreat in November! It’s going to be a great year!
Thank you for your continued faithfulness!! To be an example that no matter what Satan does to deter us, God is greater!!! I am humbled to serve on the front line with such soldiers as yourselves and thank you for the continued blessing and example you constantly are to me! God bless you and Ronnie in 2017, bless everywhere your feet trod and all the works of your hands!!!!!!!